In today's busy life, most of us are dealing with tight schedules, late night shifts, early morning shifts, and extra working hours. Due to this our sleeping schedule is very much affected most people are suffering from insomnia or hypersomnia these days. The recommended time for sleep is 8 hours but it is difficult to get 8 hours of sound sleep in that busy schedule.
But what if you can make your few hours of rest feel like 8 hours of rest? I know this is somehow not possible to listen but in this article, we are going to provide you a complete guide for "How to Sleep 8hrs In 3hrs". So without wasting your time let's get into this short article on how to sleep 8hrs in 3hrs in 2024.
How to Sleep 8hrs In 3hrs
For taking a proper nap it is very important to focus not only on sleep but also on optimizing the sleep environment, pre-sleep routine, techniques for fast sleeping, maximizing rest with short sleep, supplements for sleep, and maintaining proper energy sources. So let's discuss each topic in short, to save your extra time.
Sleep Environment
It is very important to create a peaceful sleep-friendly environment for sound sleep. This will help you to sleep fast and deep which provide you full day long energy.
Your sleep environment should be dark and quiet because in the dark our sleep hormone melatonin produces much better than in daylight and a quiet room allows you to sleep without any disturbance. If you are unable to manage a quiet room then you can use meditation or sleeping earplugs for reducing extra noise while sleeping.
Please make sure to reduce your room temperature while sleeping. Your room temperature should be around 18 degrees to 20 degrees Celsius. A cool room will provide you relaxation, make your body comfortable, and provide you a deep sleep.
Pre-Sleep Routine
A pre-sleep routine will be very helpful for you if you want to know "how to sleep 8hrs in 3hrs". A pre-sleep routine will let your body know that you are going to sleep which makes your body produce melatonin (sleeping hormone) that will make your sleep faster.
In a pre-sleep routine, you can try simple breathing techniques like 4-7-8. In this technique, you have to inhale deep for 4 seconds then hold for 7 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds. This will help your body to be calm and reduce overthinking that comes with negative thoughts.
It is very important to avoid screens like mobile phones or TV at least for 1 hour before going to bed. Along with that don't consume coffee or tea for at least 3 hours before going to bed. Coffee includes caffeine which makes it harder to fall asleep.
Techniques to Fall Asleep
It is very important to make a technique for everyday sleeping. You can try doing 4-7-8 breathing techniques along with visualization techniques. In the visualization technique, you have to close your eyes and think about a peaceful place like a river, mountain, or forest. This will calm your mind, reduce negative thoughts, and is also helpful if you are an overthinker.
Maximizing Rest in a Short Period
If you do not have enough time to sleep you can try taking power naps. Power naps are basically short-term sleep like 15-20 mins which makes your mind feel fresher and provides you day-long energy for your extra work. You can also try the "Pomodoro" technique for more productivity. The ideal time for taking a power nap is early afternoon or else you can adjust it with your schedule.
Supplements for Sleep
If you have already tried this pattern and are not able to fall asleep then you can take some non-addictive supplements for your sleep which make to fall asleep faster without making you tired. Some non-addictive supplements such as sleeping gummies have melatonin which is basically a sleep hormone. Please note that if your situation is worse than that then you should take the advice of your healthcare provider. This will help you to know "how to sleep 8hrs in 3hrs".
Being Energetic All Day
Along with sleeping, it is very important to maintain your energy levels throughout the day. It is very important to hydrate your body, drink at least 2-3 liters of water throughout the day along take nutrients from fruits and your meal.
Try to take short breaks while working and you can also use Pomodoro techniques for extra productivity.
In this article, we discuss a lot of important topics related to "how to sleep 8hrs in 3 hrs" in short. If you find difficulty in sleeping after trying all the things mentioned above, then it is very important to take the advice of your healthcare expert. Hope this article is helpful for you!!!